Package: AgroR 1.3.6

AgroR: Experimental Statistics and Graphics for Agricultural Sciences

Performs the analysis of completely randomized experimental designs (CRD), randomized blocks (RBD) and Latin square (LSD), experiments in double and triple factorial scheme (in CRD and RBD), experiments in subdivided plot scheme (in CRD and RBD), subdivided and joint analysis of experiments in CRD and RBD, linear regression analysis, test for two samples. The package performs analysis of variance, ANOVA assumptions and multiple comparison test of means or regression, according to Pimentel-Gomes (2009, ISBN: 978-85-7133-055-9), nonparametric test (Conover, 1999, ISBN: 0471160687), test for two samples, joint analysis of experiments according to Ferreira (2018, ISBN: 978-85-7269-566-4) and generalized linear model (glm) for binomial and Poisson family in CRD and RBD (Carvalho, FJ (2019), <doi:10.14393/ufu.te.2019.1244>). It can also be used to obtain descriptive measures and graphics, in addition to correlations and creative graphics used in agricultural sciences (Agronomy, Zootechnics, Food Science and related areas).

Authors:Gabriel Danilo Shimizu [aut, cre], Rodrigo Yudi Palhaci Marubayashi [aut, ctb], Leandro Simoes Azeredo Goncalves [aut, ctb]

AgroR.pdf |AgroR.html
AgroR/json (API)

# Install 'AgroR' in R:
install.packages('AgroR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • aristolochia - Dataset: Germination of seeds of _Aristolochia_ sp. as a function of temperature.
  • bean - Dataset: Bean
  • cloro - Dataset: Sodium dichloroisocyanurate in soybean
  • corn - Dataset: Corn
  • covercrops - Dataset: Covercrops
  • emerg - Dataset: Emergence of passion fruit seeds over time .
  • enxofre - Dataset: Sulfur data
  • eucalyptus - Dataset: Eucaliptus grandis Barbin
  • laranja - Dataset: Orange plants under different rootstocks
  • mirtilo - Dataset: Cutting blueberry data
  • orchard - Dataset: Orchard
  • passiflora - Dataset: Substrate data in the production of passion fruit seedlings
  • pepper - Dataset: Pepper
  • phao - Dataset: Osmocote in _Phalaenopsis_ sp.
  • pomegranate - Dataset: Pomegranate data
  • porco - Dataset: Pig development and production
  • sensorial - Dataset: Sensorial data
  • simulate1 - Dataset: Simulated data dict
  • simulate2 - Dataset: Simulated data dbct
  • simulate3 - Dataset: Simulated data dqlt
  • soybean - Dataset: Soybean
  • tomate - Dataset: Tomato data
  • weather - Dataset: Weather data


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Last updated 10 months agofrom:f755bfe5ac. Checks:7 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 20 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 20 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 20 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.3-macOKJan 20 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Utils: Area under the curveaacp
Dataset: Germination of seeds of _Aristolochia_ sp. as a function of temperature.aristolochia
Graph: Barplot for Dunnett testbar_dunnett
Graph: Bar graph for one factorbar_graph
Graph: Bar graph for one factor model 2bar_graph2
Graph: Bar graph for one factor with facetsbarfacet
Graph: Group DIC, DBC and DQL functions column chartsbargraph_onefactor
Graph: Group FAT2DIC, FAT2DBC, PSUBDIC or PSUBDBC functions column chartsbargraph_twofactor
Graph: Positive barplotbarplot_positive
Dataset: Beanbean
Dataset: Sodium dichloroisocyanurate in soybeancloro
Utils: Interval of confidence for groupsconfinterval
Analysis: Joint analysis of experiments in randomized block designconjdbc
Analysis: Joint analysis of experiments in completely randomized designconjdic
Analysis: Joint analysis of experiments in randomized block design in scheme factorial doubleconjfat2dbc
Graph: Plot Pearson correlation with interval of confidencecor_ic
Graph: Correlogramcorgraph
Dataset: Corncorn
Dataset: Covercropscovercrops
Analysis: Randomized block designDBC
Analysis: Randomized block design with an additional treatment for quantitative
Analysis: Randomized block design by glmDBC.glm
Analysis: Randomized block design evaluated over timeDBCT
Descriptive: Descriptive analysisdesc
Descriptive: Descriptive analysis (Two factors)desc2fat
Descriptive: Descriptive analysis (Three factors)desc3fat
Analysis: Regression analysis by orthogonal polynomials for double factorial scheme with additional controldesd_fat2_quant_ad
Analysis: Completely randomized designDIC
Analysis: Completely randomized design with an additional treatment for quantitative
Analysis: Completely randomized design by glmDIC.glm
Analysis: Completely randomized design evaluated over timeDICT
Descriptive: Boxplot with standardized datadispvar
Analysis: Latin square designDQL
Analysis: Latin square design evaluated over timeDQLT
Analysis: Post-hoc Dunndunn
Analysis: Dunnett testdunnett
Dataset: Emergence of passion fruit seeds over time .emerg
Dataset: Sulfur dataenxofre
Dataset: Eucaliptus grandis Barbin (2013)eucalyptus
Utils: Summary of the analysis for factor arrangement with two qualitative factors.fat2_table
Analysis: DBC experiments in double factorialFAT2DBC
Analysis: DBC experiment in double factorial design with an additional
Analysis: DIC experiments in double factorialFAT2DIC
Analysis: DIC experiment in double factorial design with an additional
Analysis: DBC experiments in triple factorialFAT3DBC
Analysis: DBC experiments in triple factorial with
Analysis: DIC experiments in triple factorialFAT3DIC
Analysis: DIC experiments in triple factorial with
utils: group graphs of the output of simple experiments in dic, dbc or dqlgrid.onefactor
Graph: Invert letters for two factor chartibarplot.double
Analysis: Method to evaluate similarity of experiments based on QMresjointcluster
Dataset: Orange plants under different rootstockslaranja
Graph: Line chartline_plot
Analysis: Logistic regressionlogistic
Dataset: Cutting blueberry datamirtilo
Dataset: Orchardorchard
Dataset: Substrate data in the production of passion fruit seedlingspassiflora
Analysis: Principal components analysisPCA_function
Dataset: Pepperpepper
Dataset: Osmocote in _Phalaenopsis_ sp.phao
Graph: Plot correlationplot_cor
Graph: Interaction plotplot_interaction
Graph: Column, box or segment chart with observationsplot_jitter
Graph: Climate chart of temperature and humidityplot_TH
Graph: Climate chart of temperature and humidity (Model 2)plot_TH1
Graphics: Graphic for t test to compare means with a reference valueplot_tonetest
Analysis: Linear regression graphpolynomial
Analysis: Linear regression graph in double factorialpolynomial2
Analysis: Linear regression graph in double factorial with color graphpolynomial2_color
Dataset: Pomegranate datapomegranate
Dataset: Pig development and productionporco
Analysis: DBC experiments in split-plotPSUBDBC
Analysis: DIC experiments in split-plotPSUBDIC
Analysis: Plot subdivided into randomized blocks with a subplot in a double factorial schemePSUBFAT2DBC
Analysis: DBC experiments in split-split-plotPSUBSUBDBC
Analysis: Polynomial splitting for double factorial in DIC and DBCquant.fat2.desd
Graph: Circular column chartradargraph
Graph: Point graph for one factorseg_graph
Graph: Point graph for one factor model 2seg_graph2
Dataset: Sensorial datasensorial
Dataset: Simulated data dictsimulate1
Dataset: Simulated data dbctsimulate2
Dataset: Simulated data dqltsimulate3
Graph: Scott-Knott graphicssk_graph
Utils: Experimental sketchsketch
Dataset: Soybeansoybean
Graph: Spider graph for sensorial analysisspider_graph
Analysis: DBC experiments in strip-plotSTRIPLOT
Utils: Summary of Analysis of Variance and Test of Meanssummarise_anova
Utils: Summary of Analysis of Variance and Test of Means for Joint analysissummarise_conj
Utils: Dunnett's Test Summarysummarise_dunnett
Descriptive: Table descritive analysistabledesc
Graph: Reverse graph of DICT, DBCT and DQL output when geom="bar"TBARPLOT.reverse
Analysis: Test for two samplestest_two
Dataset: Tomato datatomate
Analysis: t test to compare means with a reference valuetonetest
Utils: Data transformation (Box-Cox, 1964)transf
Dataset: Weather dataweather